With the dipping temperatures and ice-cold winters round the corner, chances of you suffering from various ailments escalate. Though viral infection, cold & cough are some of the common complaints; there are some worst ailments that require sheer attention and care. Joint pain is one of them that usually worsen at the time of winters. Especially for old age persons, it becomes a bane as they have to struggle a lot due to this.
The major reason is the stiffness of bones, tendons and ligaments that leads to inflammation of joints. Any external pressure on these stiffened tissues cause internal swelling or inflammation. The synovial fluid present inside/between the joints is responsible for lubrication, smooth movements as well as proper functioning of joint. This fluid is responsible for optimum friction and tension for movement. Other causes of joint pain, especially in winters can be attributed to the improper blood flow due to changes in barometric pressure and global vasoconstriction.
Ayurveda is the answer to all kinds of joint pain problems. The hidden energy in ayurvedic herbs not only relieve pain but also aim at treating the root cause of problem. Sandhi Sudha Plus is one such by-product of Ayurveda that contains rare herbal extracts such as gwarpatha, nirgundi, ajwain, etc. that strengthen joints by increasing lubrication. This oil has been exclusively prepared by Ayurveda experts who possess thorough knowledge on natural healing process.
” संधि सुधा प्लस बरसो पुराने जोड़ो के दर्द से राहत के लिए एक आयुर्वेदिक उपचार है। जो की हिमालय पर पाये जाने वाली कई दुर्लभ जड़ी बूटियों से मिलकर बना है। यह १००% शुद्ध आयुर्वेदिक तेल है। संधि सुधा प्लस जोड़ो के दर्द, कलाई में दर्द, पीठ दर्द, टखने में दर्द, घुटने का दर्द, कंधे में दर्द, शरीर में दर्द, कोहनी में दर्द एवं महिलाओं की पीठ दर्द के लिए एक अत्यंत लाभकारी व रामबांण इलाज है। ”
Sandhi Sudha Plus Price :- Online Price Rs.2800/- ( In India ).
Cash on Delivery Rs.3100/- ( India ).
Overseas Delivery $100 ( Out Side India ).
If You Want a more information about Sandhi Sudha Plus Joint Pain Relief Oil click on a link www.sandhisudhaplus.com & call now 09229153060
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