Joint pain is one of the most common problems. Today, with huge technological advancement, there are various medications and treatments available in the market. I would like to introduce the most effective herbal joint pain relief treatment for ankle pain, back pain, shoulder pain, elbow pain, body pain as well as arthritis. The magical product is ‘Sandhi Sudha Plus oil’.
Sandhi Sudha Plus is an amazing formula that helps in remedy from various joints pains in the body. Sandhi sudha oil get relief from various body pains, such as wrist pain, back pain, ankle pain, knee pain, shoulder pain, body pain, elbow pain and arthritis. It is made up of rare herbs available in Himalayan.
” संधि सुधा प्लस बरसो पुराने जोड़ो के दर्द से राहत के लिए एक आयुर्वेदिक उपचार है। जो की हिमालय पर पाये जाने वाली कई दुर्लभ जड़ी बूटियों से मिलकर बना है। यह १००% शुद्ध आयुर्वेदिक तेल है। संधि सुधा प्लस जोड़ो के दर्द, कलाई में दर्द, पीठ दर्द, टखने में दर्द, घुटने का दर्द, कंधे में दर्द, शरीर में दर्द, कोहनी में दर्द एवं महिलाओं की पीठ दर्द के लिए एक अत्यंत लाभकारी व रामबांण इलाज है। ”
The natural extracts in Sandhi sudha plus penetrates through the layers of skin and joints on application.
This oil increases lubrication between the joints and thereby, reduces pain and swelling.
It restores normal functioning of damaged nerves and strengthens ligaments & muscles.
It induces blood circulation in the body. As a result, this leads to faster recovery of joints and tissues.
It effectively helps in the optimal production of synovial fluid (a gel-like fluid that acts as a cushion between the joints) by increasing lubrication between the joints.
Sandhi sudha plus also provides strength to the joints that have weakened due to age-related disorders.
Most Effective On :
Knee pain
Shoulder pain
Back pain
Wrist pain
Cervical spondylitis
Arthritic pain
Directions for use :-
Take 1-2 teaspoons (approx. 5ml) of Sandhi sudha plus oil in your palm or a bowl.
Start massaging on the affected area gently.
Don’t exert too much pressure while applying the oil.
Repeat the oil massage 3-4 times in a day for more effective results.
Give hot fomentation on the affected area after massaging with the oil.
Sandhi Sudha Plus Price :- Online Price Rs.2800/- ( In India ).
Cash on Delivery Rs.3100/- ( India ).
Overseas Delivery $100 ( Out Side India ).
If You Want a more information about Sandhi Sudha Plus click on a link & call now 09229153060
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