About Sandhisudha Plus Joint Pain Relief Oil :- This oil has been used for decades by lakhs of people and has produced magical results. – For your Backpain, Kneepain, Cervical, Frozen - Shoulder, Body Pain, Tennis Elbow, Joint Pain, Arthritis. This oil is an Ayurveda treatment, which is made of very rare & valuable remedial plants found in the Himalayas. A human being body contains 206 bones and 210 joints. All these joints contain a sticky and fluid matter called Synovial Fluid. Due to the stickiness and the fluid state of this component, the joints in pure body work efficiently. With the older age, injuries, wrong postures or fatness this fluid starts to diminish from the joints. When this component is less, there is not smoothness in the joints and the bones start to run against each other, due to which the joints start paining. The same Synovial Fluid when present in right amount protects the body from sudden jerks, but in the absence of which it produces a swelling in the Joint Capsule or even leads to extremely hazardous ailments such as Arthritis.
" दुनिया की किसी भी चिकित्सा पद्धति में जोड़ो के दर्द का सटीक इलाज नहीं है , लेकिन हमारे प्राचीन आयुर्वेद में वो शक्ति है जो जोड़ो के किसी भी प्रकार के दर्द को जड़ से समाप्त कर सकती है. हिमालय की अनके जडी बूटियों से बने संधिसुधा प्लस तेल के माध्यम से जोड़ो के दर्द का इलाज किया जाता है. यह १००% शुद्ध आयुर्वेदिक तेल है। संधि सुधा प्लस जोड़ो के दर्द, कलाई में दर्द, पीठ दर्द, टखने में दर्द, घुटने का दर्द, कंधे में दर्द, शरीर में दर्द, कोहनी में दर्द एवं महिलाओं की पीठ दर्द के लिए एक अत्यंत लाभकारी व रामबांण इलाज है। "
Sandhisudha Plus oil Benefits :-
Get relief from pain in Knees, Body Pain, Back Pain, Shoulder Pain etc. You will feel the heat of relax and a calm body. By using this, the joints in your body become stronger and it reinstate the Synovial Fluid between the joints so it starts functioning properly. For patients of knee pain, shoulder pains, back pain, cervical spondilitis, and arthritis this oil shows magical results. For women with back pain this is an extremely beneficial remedy. It is a greatest medicure of Joint Pain Treatment Oil - Joint Pain Relief Oil Its Pure Herbal pain relief oil for all types of Pain ,Muscles Stiffness ,etc It brings proper and normal movement back even in the joints which have been painful and non functional for years.
Akarkara :- Akarkara provides calcium to the bones thereby strengthening them.
Nirgundi :- Nirgundi brings the strength back in weak nerves and muscles.
Gawarpatha :- Gawarpatha provides lubrication to the dry and dead joints bringing the smoothness in their movement back.
Besides these, the other rare herbs like Ajwain flower, Paan leave, Matti and Amrit Dhara provide warmness to the joints. These herbs penetrate through the layers of skin and outer soft tissues to further reach the joints to improve functionality of dry and painful joint. Other rare herbs like Asaliya, Salakha and Jyoti Smriti enhances the analgesic properties of the oil.
More Information about Sandhi Sudha & SandhiSudhaPlus, please visit the official website : - www.sandhisudhaplus.com & www.sandhisudha.com & Call now :- +91 9229135021, 9229337813
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